Understanding Joins
JOINS Joins in data model should be used wisely otherwise there may be possibility of things going disastrously wrong. However, it is advisable to keep minimum branches while designing schema. QlikView uses for types of Joins, theoretically it is same as SQL Joins, but there is slight difference in syntax. SQL uses INNER, LEFT, RIGHT and FULL whereas QlikView uses INNER, OUTER, LEFT, JOIN. It’s better to use proper Join wherever necessary. The easiest way to flatten the data model is to join two tables together into one. For a table, where there is a key field and a description, it is very easy to add the description into the main table using a LEFT join (refer to the following section for an example.) Data is joined using all the matching fields in the Load statement, so care must be taken to ensure that all fields needed are included in the Load statement and that any field that is not needed as a link is aliased. A further consideration is that if there are any duplica...