QlikView Top 50 Interview Questions with Answers.
1.What is cross table?
Ans: cross table is common type of table featuring a matrix of values between
two Ans: orthogonal lists of header data. To turn cross table into straight
table use cross table prefix Ex. Cross table(attribute field, data field[
in])(load/select statement).
2.What is Inline memory in QlikView?
Ans: create table or add field to the table.
3.what is Set and let in QlikView and difference between
Ans: SET or a LET statement is often used To define the
variable. The SET statement is used when you want a variable to hold the string
or numeric value that is to the right of the Equal (=) sign.The LET statement
is used when you need to evaluate what is to the right of the Equal sign
e.set myVar=52 the result is “52″
Let myVar=5*2 the result is “10″
4. Explain Join?
Ans: Joins are mainly
used for retrieving the data from 2 or more tables - in QLIKVIEW join will join
two or more tables and convert into one table. - joins are classified into 4
types :
i)inner join: by using this join we can get the all matched
records from the both tables
ii)outer join: by using this join we can get the all matched
and unmatched records from both tables.
iii)left outer join: by using this join we can get all
records from left side table and matched records from the right table.
iv)right outer join:
by using this join we can get all records from right side table and matched
records from the left table.
5.Explain Concatenation?
Ans: Concatenation means series of interconnected things
i.e. any table or columns which are related to each other will be
interconnected through Concatenation.
6.Explain QlikView architecture?
Ans: QlikView is the world’s first associative, in-memory
business intelligence platform. QlikView manages associations among data sets
at the engine level, not the application level, by storing individual tables in
its in-memory associative engine. QlikView is the most flexible Business
Intelligence platform for turning data into knowledge. Effective
decision-making is based on having the right information available and easy
7.Explain keep?
Ans: it will not join two tables and they will be stored in
QlikView as two separate named tables. Keep will always preceded by one of the
iii)Right Ex. Right
8.Explain NoConcatenation?
Ans: if the two tables have same fields also NoConcatenate
treats as separate internal tables.
9.Explain about connect statement in QlikView?
Ans: The connect statement is used to establish a connection
to the database through an ODBC or OLEDB interface.
10.Difference between star schema and snow flake
Ans: Star Schema: In a star schema, the fact table will be
at centre and in connected to dimensional tables. The tables are completely in
Denormalized Structure. SQL queries performance in good as there are less
number of joins involved. Data redundancy is high and occupies more disk
spaces. Snowflake Schema: is an
extension of star schema where the dimension tables are further connected to
one or more dimensions. The tables are partially denormalized in structure. The
performance of SQL queries is little bit less compared to star schema as more
no. of joins are involved. Data redundancy is low and occupies less disk space
compared to star schema.
11.What is Fact
Constellation Schema?
Ans: Fact Constellation Schema is describing a logical
database structure of Data Warehouse or Data Mart. Fact Constellation Schema
can design with collection of De Normalized Fact, Shared and conformed
dimensional tables. Fact Constellation Schema is an extended Decomposed Star
12.Difference between RDBMS and Associative Data Model?
Ans: RDBMS: stands for Relational Database Management System. It organizes data into related rows
and columns. It stores data in Tables having rows and columns . These tables
are created and data retrieving using SQL Associative Database: The Associative
Data Model is an alternative data model for database systems other data models
are record based.
13.Types of CALS how do you assign them?
Ans: To connect a QlikView server (QVS) each client needs a
CAL(client access license) The CAL’s are purchased with QlikView Server and
tied to the server serial number. A CAL is never transformed to the client but
a client uses the CAL when connecting to the server. CAL Types:
i)Named User CAL: Named CAL can access all the documents
ii)Document CAL: Document CAL can access particular document iii)Session CAL: A
session allows any user identified or anonymous/unidentified on one QV client
to access many QV documents as may reside on the server. iv)Usage CAL: allows any user to access only
one QV document residing on the server.
14.what is difference between QV Server and Publisher?
Ans: QV Server: is a program that is installed in a physical
server(computer) with number of CAL’s these allow user to access QV files on
the server. QVS controls the people who can access the documents on server
using client access license(CAL). QV
Publisher: is a program which allows you to maintain centralized control of all
your QV files and to schedule when and how they reloaded and distributed. You
can automatically reload files and distribute them to web access points or by
email or intranet. You can do data reduction also.
15. if server crashes
then how do you check behind it or error log where you will find that log? Ans: Ans: programdataQliktechwebserverlog.
16. What is Set and Let?
Ans: Set: this command assigns the variable the text to the
right of equal sign. Let: assigns the variable whereas Let
command evaluates expression. Ex.
Set Variablename = String. Let
variablename= operation.
17.When you reload a QVW file.
Ans: If you get error how will you resolve it? By debugger.
18.QV provides a tool for getting a snapshot view of your
table what is it? How it is helpful?
Ans: Table Viewer: we can see no of tables and associations
and by right click-preview we can see data.
19.What type of data connections do you use?
Ans: ODBC, OLEDB, SAP connectors.
20.How do you bring data into QV? Explain the script?
Ans: We can load data from ODBC, OLEDB,SAP connectors by
connect, select statements and also we can load flat files like excel, word,
xml etc by using Table files syntax will be Directory: Load tables, from
21.What type of data did you used?
Ans: flat files, excel, QVD’s etc.
22.What type of charts did you used?
Ans: Bar chart, line chart, combo chart, gauge chart,
scatter chart, grid chart, pie chart, funnel chart etc.
23. What is Trellis chart?
Ans: Trellis: open the Trellis setting in chart properties ,
you can create an array of charts based on first dimension any type of bitmap
chart can be made into trellis display.
i)We can enable
trellis chart.
ii)Enable secondary Trellis Dimension.
iii)we can give no of columns to display in chart.
24.What is Mini chart?
Ans: It is only available when the mini chart option has
been selected in the expression page of straight table properties dialog. Opens
a dialog for setting the properties of the mini chart we can set mode type
instead of values in table mode are: spark lines, line with dots, dots, bars or
whiskers we can set colour also.
25.How many dimensions can be used in bar chart?
Ans: Two.
26.Which QV object has only expression, no dimension?
Ans: List box, gauge chart.
27. What is Incremental load?
Ans: incremental load
is a very common task in relation to database. It is defined as loading only
new or changed records from the database. The rest should already be available
one way or another.
28.Have you used macros in your application?
Ans: What you have used? we can use macros for various
things i)we can call the macro to reload the application ii)we can call the
macro to create objects.
29.What are the differences between Pivot table and straight
Ans: pivot data is grouped, partial sums can be shown in
pivot table but not in straight table.
30.What are the layers in QV?
Ans: The layer are set on the sheet object properties layout
where bottom, top, normal corresponding to the numbers -1,0,and 1 choose custom
to enter value of your choice valid layer numbers are -128 to 127.
31. Difference between QVD and QVW?
Ans: QVW: A qlikview file saved in binary format having the
default expression QVW. Also called Qlik View file.qvw file contains tables,
charts script etc. QVD: a native Qlik
View file format, A QVD file contains one data table, no layout and no
security. It is basically a binary CSV file optimized for fast loading.
32. What is Interval
The interval match
prefix to load or select statement is used for linking discrete numeric values
to one or more numeric intervals Ex. Intervalmatch(field)(load statement/select
33. What is cluster?
Ans: For load balancing we have to install it with separate
license when availability small business server only we can install Clusters.
It will give high availability to the application( Zero Down time)
34. What is Interval match function()?
Ans: It is use generate data buckets of different sizes.
35. What is extended Interval Match function()?
Ans: It is used for slowly changing dimensions.
36. Difference between Straight Table and Pivot Table?
Ans: Pivot Straight 1) Multi-dimensional with one or more 1)
one dimension with multiple Measurements 2) Displays Sub Totals 2) do not
display sub totals 3) Pivot table will show cross table 3) can’t show cross
37. What is Relative Path?
Ans: If we select Relative path, then we the work path is
defined by directory statement. If it is not selected, the path of the QVW
defines work directory. The work directory can be found in the system variable
QVWORKROOT which should not be changed manually.
38. What is Info Load?
Ans: if a piece of external information, such as text file a
picture, or multimedia presentation is to be linking information to field value
to field value. Ex: info load * from Fagoeed.csv.
39. What are the new features in QV 11?
i) Container Object- Grid Style.
ii)Granular Chart – Dimension Control.
iii)Actions like, clear filed, reset button.
iv)conditional enabling of dimensions and expressions.
v)meta data vi)comparative analysis(multiple state
40. New Features in QlikView Server?
Ans: i) Content Sensitive Help. ii) Configurable LDAP.
iii)audit logging by document. iv) Enable/Disable document download exporting
and printing document and user. v) supporting task for QVD creation. vi)
Distribution to Email with in a QVW document. vii) Alert Email to Document
Administrators. Viii) License tracking. ix) Distribution and Reload
Performance. x) Loop and Reduce. xi)QlikView Management Console(QMC) user
interface. xii) Reduction with log files. Xiii) Improved logging. xiv) QMC and
QEMC are QMC. xv) Access point remake. xvi) Load Balancing Improved.
41. What are the differences in QlikView vs. Business
Ans: Qlik View BO 1. Qlik View has strong community 1. Has
poor Support support and generally has vendor support 2. Does not require data
warehouse, 2. Requires Data Warehouse and a full time to go- line trends to be
much scale long term project shorter
than BO(QV claims ¼ of the time) 3. Has a pack and go
solution of for 3. Has no pack and go solution and very offline work and
supports smart partial smart phone support(only for phones, iphones, ipads web
reporting tool) 4. Has both a webonly(AJAX) and 4. Uses web browser as its only
client client application, the later tending application to provide
significantly better performance.
42.QVD Optimized?
Ans: The QVD which doesn’t have any transformations or
calculations is called QVD optimized/ Super-Fast QVD.
43. QVD Unoptimized?
Ans: The QVD has any transformations or calculations is
called QVD Un optimized/ Stand Fast QVD.
44. Difference between Optimized and Un optimized in QVD?
Ans: When retrieving
from QVD optimized mode mode is upto 100* quicker-only works if you follow set
of rules.
45. What are the purpose and Uses of QVD files?
Ans: i) To increase load speed. ii) Decreasing load on
database servers. iii)Consolidating data from multiple QlikView files/
Applications iv)Incremental Load.v)Easy of Maintenance vi)Separation of Roles.
46. Types of QVD Creation?
Ans: 1. By using Store command 2.By using buffer before
load/select 3.via UI-[chart export] and go to object? export.
47. What is QVX?
Ans: It is new with QV-10 (QlikView Data Exchange) 1. Open
variant of QVD 2.Not as quick as fast as QVD 3.may be used to create high
performance input files from sources where ODBC Drivers are not available. 4.
Read by standard load scripts 5. It can be created by another software’s which
does not doesn’t support ODBC and also we can create in QV as same as QVD Store
* from categories into ‘pathcategories.qvx’.
48. what is Synthetic Keys ?
Ans: when two or more tables have two or more fields in
common is called synthetic key. Below are the ways to remove synthetic keys 1.
Join 2. Alias 3. Concatenated key 4. Link table 5. Qualify.
49. What is mapping load and apply map()?
Ans: Mapping Load: The mapping prefix is used on a load or
select statement to create a mapping table, these tables are different from
other tables. They will be stored in separate area of memory and used as
mapping tables during script execution. After execution they will automatically
drop .Ex. Mapping (Load Statement/Select Statement) Apply Map: used for mapping data from
one source to another at load time. Ex. Applymap(‘Mapname’, expr,[default
50. How do you optimize QV Application?
Ans: Merge tables to reduce joins at run time, create
flatter structure at load time.
Optimize QV in UI/Application level i) Try to avoid no of macros ii) Try to implement or use all
complex calculation in script level not in UI
iii)Avoid same charts in different tabs
Optimization in script level i) Avoid synthetic keys and
circular loops ii)use QVD’s iii)try to use star schema instead of snowflake
51. How can we prohibit binary load?
Ans: Go to settings --> Document properties -->
opening tab --> enable the prohibit binary load check box(then it will not
possible to load data from .QVW file via Binary load statement in another QVW
52. What is Binary Load?
Ans: Loading one QVW file of source into another QVW file is
called Binary Load. The Binary Statement is
used for loading the access and data parts of a QlikView document only
one Binary Statement is allowed in the script and it can be put only as first
statement of script. Ex. Binary Customers.QVW
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